5E Foes: Infernal Bestiary Now Available!

Stamford, CT, April 2, 2023: Mal and Tal Enterprises, LLC is pleased to announce our latest monster guide, 5E Foes: Infernal Bestiary, out this month. You can purchase it here.

Better the Devil You Know…

Inspired by Dante’s Inferno, Milton’s Paradise Lost, Junji Ito’s horror manga, and popular monsters of Internet legend, this bestiary features 75 fiends drawn from the Nine Circles of Infernus, including 3 from the dark woods leading to the entrance of Infernus, 4 from the Infernal Vestibule, 3 from wild Limbus, 11 from lustful Salax, 11 from gluttonous Golos, 6 from greedy Avarus, 4 from the wrathful Styx, 4 from heretical city of Dis on Retic, 7 from bloody Phlegethos, 8 from the tortures of the Malebolges, and 2 from treacherous Cocytos. The fiends range from challenge 1/4 (Painfish) to 22 (Dagon, Death, and Milcom).

In addition to the creatures populating each circle, the infernal hierarchy is further divided amongst its nobility: 6 Margraves, 9 Earls, 2 Viscounts, and 1 Baron. Each of the nobles has legendary and lair actions and regional effects.

Don't go into the infernal realms unaware. Know your fiends before they get to know you first!

Because Infernal Bestiary is compatible with 5E Foes: Heaven & Hell, Heaven &Hell will be on sale for 40% off the cover price throughout the month of April. You can get the coupon code here.

This product is available now for our Tier 3, 4 and 5 Patrons on Patreon. To be notified of new freebies as they’re posted, join our Patreon for just $1/month. You’ll receive 3 digital decks of cards, 4 monster supplements, a comic, and a novel as soon as you join. At higher support levels, patrons receive 10 more digital decks, an additional 500+ 5E monsters, three setting books, a full digital comic series, a digital novel trilogy, an autographed physical copy, and much more with new content added monthly. Join us at Patreon today!

About Mal and Tal Enterprises, LLC

Mal and Tal Enterprises, LLC is a writing and game design studio led by Amber and Mike Tresca. Their company produces podcasts, novels, comics, and game accessories. For more information, see their web page on DriveThruRPG


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