RetroMUD is Back!

To celebrate our 27th anniversary, we recently released a 5E-compatible game supplement and will be running a Primal Energy (PE) Drive and Free Reincarnation (Free Reinc) on RetroMUD! The PE Drive runs from Dec. 1 through Dec. 31 and the Free Reinc runs from Dec. 12 through Dec. 31.

Species of the Retroverse

We recently released a RetroMUD supplement for the Fifth Edition of the World's Most Popular Fantasy Role-Playing Game, 5E RPG: Species of the Retroverse. This supplement contains 34 species and 71 subspecies drawn from across the Retroverse, ranging from the water world of Wysoom to the gaseous planet of Raji, from the steaming jungles of Sosel to the dead world of Crypt, from the fantasy world of Welstar to the gothic realms of Perdow. You can purchase it here. 

Additionally, work that went into creating that supplement sourced all new art for every RetroMUD race. You'll see that art updated on our web site over the next month at

About the PE Drive

Primal Energy (PE) is in-game currency players use to obtain wishes (special perks such as the ability to take unusual class combinations). It's also how we fund RetroMUD to ensure it can pay for all its expenses, like hosting and legal services. PE is earned through donations (see information on the game as to how to donate). The PE donation rate is traditionally 2 PE for one U.S. dollar but will be 4 PE per U.S. dollar for the duration of the Drive. The PE Drive begins immediately and runs through the end of the year, concluding at 12 p.m. ET on Saturday, December 31, 2022.

About the Free Reincarnation

Reincarnation allows player characters (known as Gifted Ones) to start their characters afresh with a new race and guild while preserving their accumulated experience. Reincarnation usually taxes your earned experience, but Free Reincarnation (Free Reinc) lets you rebuild your character with no loss. There have been several updates and improvements to the game (for more information, see news announcements on the game), and we thought this would be an excellent opportunity for characters to try out new paths and take advantage of all these updated options. The Free Reincarnation room will be available starting on Monday, December 12 through Saturday, December 31, 2022, at 12 p.m. ET.

About RetroMUD

RetroMUD is a Multi-User Dimension (MUD), a text-based online fantasy role-playing game where you can socialize with other players from the comfort of your own home! Best of all, RetroMUD uses very little bandwidth, which means you can play it from your phone or online when other members of your household are streaming videos. At nearly three decades old, RetroMUD has run continuously since 1995. RetroMUD features over 100 levels of play, a huge array of character advancement options, and dozens of quests across six different worlds. It's like six games in one. Best of all, it's FREE TO PLAY! Check it out at


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