Introducing Kids Arcanum, the Company for Gaming Families at Home

Portland, ME, February 15, 2021: Kids Arcanum is pleased to announce its Facebook page in preparation for their upcoming Kickstarter, Crafty Quest Boxes. The boxes are perfect for elementary age kids five and up who love adventure and crafting, and for parents who are looking for a kid-friendly way to introduce their children to the world of fantasy gaming.

"My name is Mike Best, the creator of the Crafty Quest Boxes, and I’ve spent two years running an extracurricular fantasy adventure club at our local elementary school. When Covid made schools go remote, I started working on these boxes to keep the kids engaged and give them something fun to do.  Drawing on two years of crafting adventures in the club, the story has everything a young adventurer could want.  They get to rescue a unicorn from the very hungry Rumbletummy Goblins and save a fairy village from the wrath of Grumpythump the Ogre.

Crafty Quest Boxes contain an all-inclusive adventure, where kids get to create their own character and go on a five-part adventure through the Driftwood Timber.  Each challenge they face requires them to complete an included magical craft, and they can track their victories on the map of the realm. There is much more, but we can’t give away all the secrets just yet!

Follow us on Facebook and we’ll be sure to let you know when our Kickstarter launches. Let’s make sure our kids get to become the heroes they are meant to be!

About Kids Arcanum, LLC

Kids Arcanum, LLC is a recently formed company based in Portland, Maine.  Our intent is to spread the love of fantasy adventure to the masses while promoting kindness and inclusivity.  What started as an after-school club has transformed into an opportunity for us to reach kids on a much wider scale and keep spreading the awesome. For more information, see our Facebook page


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