5E RPG: Primal Adventures Now Available!

Stamford, CT, June 6, 2021 : Mal and Tal Enterprises, LLC is pleased to announce our latest 5E RPG setting book, Primal Adventures . You can purchase it here . The Ice Age is Coming! Bring the Ice Age to your campaign with this setting set in a prehistoric world where humanity's future hangs by a thread. This setting offers three modes of play (Brutal, Gritty, and Fantasy) that changes what classes, species, and spells are available. In a Brutal campaign, play as a caveman (trog) or one of the humans (tlavatli) as glaciers drive a great migration from colder to warmer climes with no resources but your wits, your tribe, and your spear. In a Gritty campaign, ride with the wolves as a primal halfling or dig out from the hills as a primal dwarf, where only druids and rangers wield magic. Or play in a Fantasy campaign where dinosaurs, Greek myths and Lovecraftian horrors mingle in the forbidden lands of Hyperborea, Lemuria, and Atlantis. This campaign supplement includes seven...