
Showing posts from November, 2020

CAR-PGa NEWSLETTER, Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2020

It is with a heavy heart that I report two deaths this month, one you probably know, the other you certainly don’t. They are both important to me.  

5 More Free Encounters from the 5E Adventure: Habitation of the Stone Giant Lord

Stamford, CT, November 7 , 2020 : The latest encounters are available now for free from the 5E RPG adventure, Habitation of the Stone Giant Lord .  The Habitation of the Stone Giant Lord is a fan-created module created by Gaius Stern. He wrote the adventure when he was just fourteen years old. It is meant to be inserted into the “Against the Giants” series. It focuses on the "missing" giants in the series, the stone giants, and introduces a new type of giant, the rock giant. Tim Hutchings, archivist of The Play Generated Map and Document Archive (PlaGMaDA), was introduced to the manuscript in 2012 when it was donated to the archive by a game collector who goes by the pseudonym Scribe of New York City. He managed to track down the author and then Mike Tresca converted and updated the adventure for Fifth Edition. PlaGMaDA collects and preserves gaming ephemera created for or during actual game play. If you have gaming material please consider donating it to the col...

5 More Free Monsters from 5E RPG: Zikkaria Adventures

Stamford, CT, November 1 , 2020 : The latest monsters are available now for free from the 5E RPG setting book, Zikkaria Adventures .  Zikkaria Adventures is the 5E setting from Quest for Power , a game ahead of its time. A hybrid of board, card, and role-playing game, Quest for Power sought to emulate the randomness of gaming encounters while providing enough structure so that it could be played solo. Its fantasy role-playing game inspiration is clear, and lovingly detailed in all the artwork that graced every card. Infinite Imagination is long gone and Quest for Power is no longer in print. But now the secrets of the game are yours to play in your Fifth Edition campaign. This color-illustrated campaign supplement includes a map of Zikkaria, 6 new deities, 6 new magic items, 10 new monsters, 14 new sidekicks, 10 new PC species, and 8 new spells. You can purchase this product online at DriveThruRPG . At our Patreon we share a new monster, magic item, or other 5E goody fiv...