9TH Level Games Announces New Hosted Online Play Service

[PHILADELPHIA, PA, July 6, 2020] 9 th Level Games announced today that they will be releasing their new Hosted Online Play service on 7/18/20. Players can book seats now! Tickets can be purchased individually or as an entire virtual table for up to 6 players per game! Book now at https://www.9thlevel.com/hostedonlineplay 9 th Level’s GMs will be running games of Kobolds Ate My Baby! The beer and pretzels classic where players have silly, brutal adventures as the monsters dungeon adventurers typically kill; The Excellents, a game about being excellent princesses in an AWESOME cartoon world; and 9 th Level’s first fantasy RPG, MAZES the Polymorph RPG of dungeons and danger! Many of the 9 th Level Games’ GMs have been running games for 9 th Level at conventions for over 10 years. These experienced, imaginative folks will give players the adventure of their dreams, in the comfort of their own home for the price of a movie ticket! 9 th Level Games is a small indie g...